Customs and insurance expertise
Customs formalities
The transportation of works of art is a regulated activity. Although the European Union is seeking to harmonise the law across all member states, regulations in this area currently differ from country to country. Various formalities may be required in France, depending on the value and age of the works in question.
We understand and fulfil all customs formalities connected with the transportation of works of art. Our customs brokers will advise you and ensure you are aware of the specific aspects of customs regulations for import and export.
Insurance as a customs formality
In most cases, the organisers opt for a comprehensive, “nail to nail” insurance policy. This type of policy offers the best protection, covering the work against all possible risks throughout the entire transport process, from departure from the lender’s premises to its return to its original “nail”, including return transport and the duration of the exhibition.
We are able to offer ad valorem insurance on request.